Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday Testimony

Tuesday Testimony

I have decided that Tuesday will be the day I share a little about myself.  Tell a little of my story and how I have gotten to where I am today.  Everyone has a story.  My story just has some dramatic twists and turns.  I hope that by sharing some of what I have gone through I can encourage others that might be going through a tough time.  Life is not easy... but, with God all things are possible.

I am just a country gal who until a few years ago lived a very simple and normal (well what I thought was normal) life.  I grew up in a small town in Southeastern New Mexico. I was a City Girl so to speak... I lived in town.  I loved being outside though!  

I fell in love the summer of my Senior year of High School with a fella who was the grade ahead of me.  We had known each other for a while, but I hadn't let myself get close to him.  I knew... I could feel that there was something special about him and it scared me a little.  We fell in love and decided to try the long distance thing.  He was going off to college.  

He came back every weekend to see me and by the end of the year I was sure he was the one.  I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him.  I went to the school he was attending the next year.  We were married 2 years later.  

I would have grown old with him.  Would have spent my whole life with him no matter what if that had been an option.  A little over 3 years ago my whole world came crashing to the ground.  The conversation that we had as young people that we would be the ones to break the odds and not get divorced became null in void the day he came to me and said it was over.  

At the time I was entering into my 3rd trimester for our second child.  I held it together by sheer will power and a fear that if I let myself really fall apart that I might not be able to put the pieces back together.  I ran to the Lord... for comfort, and with questions of how could this be happening to me.  Why was this happening to me?  The answers still continue to trickle in.  I did find peace, and an amazing strength.  I know 100% that I would not be where I am or who I am today if I had not run to the Lord to shelter and protect me.  

When you find yourself falling apart God is up to something.  I read this not that long ago and it is so true!  I am a stronger person and I believe, a better person for what I have and continue to go through.  No, it is not how I thought my life would end up.  No, I am not 100% ok with it.  There are still days that are really hard, but I know that God is in control.  I know that things happen for a reason.  I know that my best interests are in mind, and that I can have peace in knowing that even if it doesn't make sense to me it does make sense to him.  

That is all for today on this... I do promise to share more next week.  If any of you have questions or comments please don't hesitate to post below!

May you have a blessed day!
~Love April

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